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How to move from a mechanistic mindset to creating living-systems?

“Science without consciousness leads to the loss of the soul” - Rabelais (16th century)

We all know that GDP (gross domestic product) is not sufficient to measure the growth of our economies as it lacks prioritising our wellbeing as life of the planet. Under the impulse of the UN, countries have been going beyond GDP by adding environmental statistics to their national accounts to track environmental assets such as energy and water resources, their use in the economy, and return flows of waste and emissions, following a rise, fall and rethinking of Green GDP (GGDP).

Mechanistically, we have been turning purpose into mission statements or charts, missing the deeper purpose about how we, as people and organisations, gain meaning from everyday interactions.

“Climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution prove that a narrow focus on conventional economic growth cannot deliver the quality of life that we want for ourselves and future generations.” - Pushpam Kumar, Chief Environmental Economist at UN Environment Programme.

🌱 The shift of the current business and organisational mindset and frameworks, from a mechanistic system (made up of charts, functions, siloes) towards a system able to recognise the value of human relationships, is one of the most important shifts of the years to come.

The starting point for regenerative thinking in organisations is the realisation that humans are embedded in, part of, and fundamentally dependent on nature.

So, how about nature rights?

👉🏼 Read more here 🌿

Integrating and embodying nature consciousness and recognising nature as a cultural practice are some of the key pillars of our work with RegenerateX. Join us in person and online in the following experiences and inspirational learning programs. Let’s become a practice community who stand as pillars to inspire, grow and make the life centric transition of systems for all life, together.


Business Inspired by Nature


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